[ 190 Weasels][ Firsties!][ Spike! I][ Dungeonbowl I][ Chaos Cup I][ Bloodbowl I][ Spike! II][ Chaos Cup II]
[ Bloodbowl II][ Spike! III][ Dungeonbowl III][ Chaos Cup III][Bloodbowl III][ Spike! IV][ Dungeonbowl IV][ Bloodbowl V]
[ Dungeonbowl VI][ BloodBowl VII][ Spike! VIII][ Chaos Cup VIII][ Dungeonbowl IX][ Bloodbowl XI][ Spike XI][ Dungeonbowl XII][ Chaos Cup XII][ Bloodbowl XII][ Spike! XIII][ Dungeon Bowl XIII][ Chaos Cup XIV][ Bloodbowl XIV][ Spike! XV][ Dungeon Bowl XVI]

The Meanies Machine steamrolled thru the playoffs to give the Orcs a well-deserved Trophy. The Wildcard match-ups fell as follows: The Spoilers took the 7 seed and a Wildcard date with the hobbits by defeating both the dwarfs and the goblins. The BoyzBowl matches up the Hamstas and the Funnees for the right to play the Serpents.
1. Serpents 2. Babes
1. Serpents 2. Babes
8. H Boyz 7. UGang
Meanies def Serpents
4. Minions 3. Meanies
5. Ones 3. Meanies
5. Ones 6. League
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Crunchy Conference
Midgard SerpentsNorseTim Ketchum1768102594121
Da Greenie MeaniesOrcShawn Hamilton27072024115114
Mephistos MinionsLizardmanKevin Penn18472017122625
The Human LeagueHumanChris Hall16545012142634
Hamsta BoyzDwarfJake Martin1983609183915

Creampuff Conference
Jungle BabesAmazonJoe Davis17845010122625
The OnesHigh ElfJames Joule13045016132131
Foul Peak SpoilersSkavenMorgan Natt1633601323535
Funnee BoyzGoblinRoy Davis1533609162644
Underhill GangHalflingDaren Graff17927011172445