Dwarven disdain of elves was never more evident than in the Dirks Dark Dorks vs. Boulder Bashing
Bravos game.  A psyched up #10Brimstone was so "inspired" that he gained the guard skill just before
taking to the pitch.  BBB kicked off to the elves and quickly rearranged their line before the ball
landed, stymieing DDD's offense, this lead to the Dwarven Troll Slayers teaching the Witch Elves how
to do crowd pushes.  Some forced blunders left the ball carrier exposed and vulnerable to a dwarf
hit, a lucky bounce sees the ball land in BBB territory; the Dwarves score with one turn left in the
first half.  The Boulder Bashing Bravos blitz during this kickoff and keep the Dark Dorks bottled
for the remainder of the half.
   Returning the favor in the second half, DDD blitzes and have their ball stealing aspirations cut
short by Guard wielding beards with legs.  Then a bizarre game of castle ensued through almost the
entire second half as the Dwarves anchored their cage against the sidelines and proceeded to let the
elves batter themselves against their defensive Guard wall.  This almost cost the Bravos a chance to
score when a Witchie 'Elfed' her way into their lines, took out the DeathRoller, and knocked the
ball into the crowd.  The toss in landed with a Dark Elf favoring bounce but a line elf with a
slight concussion failed the pickup.  #7Bombast somehow ran around elven defenders executed a 1 die
push, a ball recovery, and a touchdown; the equivalent of twelve spaces ran in the same amount of
time as his normal six.  Another blitz by the Bravos helped run the clock down and end the game. 
 *my cards=Inspiration, Referee, and Time Warp.

"Dem Pointy eared bastards scatter like birds when da DeathRoller comes at 'em"