from the Pansy Press - CPI):
Roster Moves:
Goddam learns Sure Feet
Oakley gains a +1 AG
Injury Report:
No lasting Injuries!
Commentary from da Coach: Ah Nuffle has a sense of humor, Oakley struggles all
season to get a Skill, and what happens he also gets a +1 AG! A brief bout of bad feelings
broke out when I played Biased Ref, (Daren having 4 Secret Weapons gobbos out
there, I felt that the card should effect them all, Daren thought it ought to only effect one) We
settled on that you could eject 1 Secret Weapon per drive as long as the card was in effect.
Card players choice on whom gets the hook. Game was made a lot easier when the goblin
wizard failed to take down his target for the second straight week! Tobo gets the game ball
for doing two up-and-overs for scores.