Hardboys "cage" game from the tree huggers

   Despite travel delays, Mordhiem finally met the woodelven Treehuggers in a match that was 
stunning from the outset.  Mordhiem was early in the scoring, however the treehuggers almost easy 
return score before the half, had fans screaming in the stands.  The ejecting of prisoner 
2112 "catburglery" for fouling, although heatedly contested by warden Brewbaker, was upheld by NAF 
officials.  The second half, the Hardboys managed a hardfaught second score.  Emediately the 
Treehuggers responded with a fierce drive that the prisoners barely managed to stop.  Rallying, 
unlike this teams former play this season, they literally formed a human cage around the ball 
carrier.  The battered cage, managed to stave off the elven onslaught, and run out the clock for a 
2-1 victory.