A Blood Bowl Declaration

I believe that Blood Bowl is a game about scoring touchdown, completing passes and OCCASIONALLY 
getting your opponents injured to the point of not coming back for the rest of the game. THE GAME 
SUCKS WHEN YOU HAVE TWO GUYS LEFT ON THE FIELD!!! So, I propose a Blood Bowl Declaration of 
Independence. I believe in the reduced casuality chart (RCC) for above stated reasons and many 
1.) Hitting teams still get to smack people around and get SPPs for it because with the RCC, KO's 
happen more frequently AND you get SSPs for them.
2.) Casualties are fairly rare in real life football, yes Blood Bowl is set in a more violent (if 
that's possible) universe than ours but the COACHES of the Blood Bowl teams LIVE in our universe 
NOT GW's messed up little fake earth.
3.) There should be no complaints from scoring teams because well they tend to live longer more 
productive careers.
4.) The turf in football doesn't reach out and eat people for dinner. In Blood Bowl it does, in 
fact, it's one of the lamest things aside from the  standard casualties chart. But I stray. 

If you guys are interested in playing on a more even playing field for everyone, the RCC is the WAY 
to go. I prefer it but it's your league so I will quit my "whining"